Seattle, Washington

About CLA-Seattle

Are you interested in CLA-Seattle?

Meet Kelly Hickman!

Cohort Coordinator – Seattle

Kelly has facilitated several Ignatian Spirituality Center programs and thrives in communications-rich roles. She is passionate about advancing social justice and undoing institutionalized racism, and deeply believes in ISC’s mission to nurture compassion, healing and justice in our world.

Kelly serves on the Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life (SEEL) Puget Sound board and on the A Matter of Spirit editorial board. She is a third generation Seattleite and enjoys spending lots of time with family and friends, snuggling her cat Leeloo, and the radical act of resting.

Who is a leader who inspires you?

I continue to feel the inspiration of Archbishop Raymond G. Hunthausen, who served as archbishop of Seattle from 1975-1991. Known as a living extension of Vatican II, Huntahusen's leadership shaped Catholic identity for the region, including that of me and my family. Unlike so many people in positions of power and influence, Hunthausen led with humility, courage, compassion and curiosity. There are so many stories that demonstrate this, but a personal one is when my father went to hear him speak back in the '80s. Upset about his outspoken stance against nuclear war and tax resistance, my father describes this experience as "disarming," and he came away with a changed heart and a clearer understanding of what faith in action looks like. Hunthausen worked to invite everyone to the table - laity, women, LGBTQ, and those on the margins - and he did so without ego. His leadership inspires me to set my own ego aside and pay attention to the urgings of the Spirit in my life and in our world.

Get in touch with Kelly at