CLA Workshops 2021-2023

“Continuing the Journey”

Monday, March 20, 2023

Contemplate your call to greater leadership in your everyday life - at work, home, Church, or in your community. Strategize a framework for ongoing learning and formation.  Robby Francis, CLA-Virtual Cohort Coordinator, was our presenter.

Questions for Reflection & Discussion:

  • What specific ways have you noticed your understanding or way of leading has shifted or grown? 

  • How have others supported your learning and growth?  

  • Where do you notice hesitations about being a leader?

  • What questions about leadership do you still hold?

“Contemplative Leaders in Today’s World”

Monday, February 20, 2023

The goal of this fourteenth workshop / meeting combination was to situate leaders in the current context of our world. Participants will explore examples of leadership relevant to the signs of the times and discuss the values and praxis observed.

Our presenters were Andria Seneviratne, CLA-Washington, DC, Cohort Coordinator and Founder and Principal of Seva Coaching and Consulting, and Michael O'Loughlin, National Correspondent and Associate Editor at America and author of Hidden Mercy: AIDS, Catholics, and the Untold Stories of Compassion in the Face of Fear.

“Leading with God”

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

The goal of this workshop / meeting combination was for participants to examine their communities in relationship with God. They contemplated key questions on how they are being called to greater leadership in their everyday life whether at work, home, Church, or in our communities. They re-examined their personal mission statement as Ignatian Leaders, adapting it to reflect their learning, and to inform their way forward.

Our presenters for the evening were Gloria Purvis and Joanna Williams. Gloria interviewed Joanna about her work with the Kino Border Initiative. Gloria Purvis is an author, commentator and the host and executive producer of the Gloria Purvis Podcast. Joanna Williams is the Executive Director of the Kino Border Initiative.

“In Good Company”

Monday, November 14, 2022

The goal of this workshop and meeting wass to shape a collaborative posture of leadership. Participants explored accompaniment as both a praxis and resource. They heard from a network of leaders who reflected on their own experience of accompaniment and how it embodies a commitment to mission.

Our panel host, Karin Botto is the Senior HR Business Partner at Syracuse University.  Lori Stanley is the Executive Director of the Loyola Institute for Spirituality. She is a member of the USCCB’s anti-racism taskforce for the state of California and a Pastoral Theology graduate student at Loyola Marymount University. Mike Barkley is the former CEO of KIND Snacks and a current board director at the Higher Ambition Leadership Alliance and the Ignatian Solidarity Network.


“In Search of the Common Good”

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

The goal of this workshop was to more fully explore the concept of the common good, and expose participants to the values and principles from Catholic Social Thought that underpin faith-justice. Participants were invited to prayerfully and constructively analyze their leadership and career experience through this lens.

Our presenter for the evening was Louis Damani Jones, Voter Engagement Coordinator for the Gephardt Institute for Civic and Community Engagement at Washington University.

“Transformational Leadership”

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

The goal of this workshop was to help participants better understand how they can become agents of change in their own communities. The evening was hosted by a CLA alum and featured three panelists who spoke about transformational leadership through their work with the Young Latino Network, the Human Right to Housing Project, and Bee at Peace.

Question for Reflection and Discussion:

  • Name a grace from this evening that you will bring to prayer with you during the coming summer months.

“Accountable Leadership” with Letty Garcia

Monday, May 16, 2022

The goal of this workshop was to encourage Ignatian leaders to cultivate awareness of their attachments and biases so that they are free to lead authentically and effectively. Participants were invited to cultivate practices of reflection, self-assessment, and curiosity to develop leadership strategies that foster open, diverse, and inclusive communities. Letty Garcia, Associate Director of the Leadership Initiative at Harvard Business School, was our presenter for the evening.

Questions for Reflection and Discussion:

  • What holy desires and longing is God speaking in my heart at this time?

  • What might be getting in my way of leading the people entrusted to my care?

  • What idea has been most valuable, challenging, and/or insightful?

“Leading in Complexity” with Virginia Klamon & Akasha

Monday, April 25, 2022

The goal of this workshop was for CLA participants to consider the demands on them as leaders in an increasingly complex and uncertain world, as well as explore ways to navigate and ultimately thrive. Akasha, coach and facilitator for Cultivating Leadership, and Virginia Klamon, spiritual director and developmental leadership coach, were our presenters for the evening.

Questions for Reflection and Discussion:

  • In this place of complexity, how is your body feeling?

  • What idea has been most valuable, challenging, and/or insightful?

  • What is something new or different that you want to spend more time with?

  • How do you encounter leading in complexity today?

“Servant Leadership” with Reginald Lewis

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Servant leadership is a philosophy focused on the growth and well-being of the communities to which leaders belong. This month, we explore traits of servant leaders (such as listening, foresight, and stewardship), and discuss how to further develop corresponding habits. Reginald Lewis, Executive Director of Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership, was our presenter for the evening.

Questions for Reflection and Discussion:

  • What idea has been most valuable, challenging, and/or insightful?

  • What is something new or different that you want to spend more time with?

  • Where do you see examples of servant leadership today?

“Listening: An Essential Skill for Relational Leadership” with Sharon Browning, Esq.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Sharon Browning, Esq., introduced the theme of relational leadership - interpersonal skills. She helped us investigate concepts that typify relational leaders, such as effective communication, collaboration, and conflict resolution to further develop corresponding habits. Sharon focused on listening as an act of justice.

Questions for Reflection and Discussion:

  • Where did you see yourself in the videos? What resonated with you?   

  • What was your experience of your Interruption-awareness Practice? 

  • The fruits of your Examen?

  • How might you use what you’ve heard in the videos and tonight in your leadership roles?

“Emotional Intelligence” with Dr. Marianna Carlucci and Dr. Emalee Quickel

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Dr. Marianna Carlucci and Dr. Emalee Quickel, psychologists from Loyola University Maryland, helped participants develop a deeper understanding of emotional and spiritual intelligence – concepts such as self awareness, empathy, motivation, humility, vulnerability, resilience, and discuss how to further develop corresponding habits.

Questions for Reflection and Discussion:

  • What's one way your cultural background or upbringing affects the way you show up at work or at home?

  • What are some things about the way you present to the world that might make it hard for people to develop deep, real relationships with you?

  • Think about who you are at work and at home - what parts of yourself are you afraid to show? Why? What are the tender spots you have that make hearing feedback (or certain kinds of feedback) difficult?

“Vocational Discernment” with John Neafsey

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Author and clinical psychologist John Neafsey explored the idea of vocation in a conversation hosted by teacher and campus minister Justin T. White. John and Justin discussed how, as contemplative leaders, our vocational discernment inevitably has implications for how we live and serve in the world. Q&A followed the discussion, with questions submitted by CLA participants.

Questions for Reflection and Discussion:

  • Do you experience a sense of joy in pursuing your vocational path?

  • Do you feel as though your gifts are suited to the vocational path you are on?

  • Are your vocational efforts of service to the world?

“The Role of Discernment in Ignatian Spirituality” with Margaret Silf

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Margaret Silf, one of the most respected writers on Ignatian spirituality today, helped CLA participants gain a deeper understanding of the role of this month’s theme, “discernment,” and how it can be applied to one’s life. Q&A followed, with questions submitted by CLA participants.

Questions for Reflection and Discussion:

  • What idea has been most valuable, challenging, and/or insightful?

  • What is something new or different that you want to spend more time with?

  • In what ways do you (or don’t you) engage discernment in your life? How might this tool offer greater depth in your spiritual practice?

“Cultivating a Contemplative Spirituality” with Fr. James Martin, SJ

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Elise Gower, Associate Director for CLA, and Fr. James Martin, SJ, discuss this month's theme, “Cultivating a Contemplative Spirituality,” followed by Q&A with questions submitted by CLA participants.


Questions for Reflection and Discussion:

  • Describe an encounter with God that you have had.

  • What is your experience of prayer?

  • What does it mean for you to be a "contemplative in action?"